Black Americans are more likely to

present with Higher disease severity:


Black Americans with PAD have an approximately 4x higher risk of amputation than other Americans.1


Black Americans are 25% less likely than white Americans to have surgery to restore blood flow prior to a leg amputation.5


Black Americans are more than twice as likely as white Americans to have PAD.2

If any of these signs are familiar or you recognize them in a loved one, download this Conversation Guide and talk to your doctor about PAD screening.

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Please click CONTINUE below to learn more about a treatment option.
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Learn more about the peripheral artery disease symptoms and risk factors, and how you can work with your care team to help prevent it.

video play button Understanding PAD: Man hiking through mountains

Understanding PAD

See how PAD affects the body and how it differs from other types of heart disease.

video play button Watching Out for PAD: Group of older women talking

Watching Out for PAD

Learn the signs and symptoms to look for when assessing your PAD risk.

video play button Taking Action Against PAD: Close up of a person's foot

Taking Action Against PAD

Find out how to talk to your doctor about PAD.


Recognize Peripheral Artery Disease Symptoms

Here's what to watch out for when assessing your own risk for PAD.

Close up of a pair of legs Close up of a pair of legs
Close up of a pair of feet with toes highlighted in red

Slow toenail

Close up of foot with area to side/bottom of big toe highlighted red

Sores/wounds on the soles of the feet that refuse to heal1

Close up of leg with area below knee highlighted red

Change in skin

Close up of leg with area below knee highlighted red

Skin appears shiny1

Close up of leg with area above knee highlighted red

Loss of leg hair1

Icon representing a heart, valves and arteries

Heart Attack

Icon representing a tombstone

Death from Heart Attack or Stroke

Icon representing an elderly male with brain showing veins. One vein is colored red to indicate an issue


Icon representing a person with one prosthetic leg and one ordinary leg indicating amputation occurred


Icon representing a person walking with a Zimmer frame covered by a bold and red circle with line through the middle to indicate STOP

Loss of Mobility

These are just some of the associated issues that can occur if PAD goes untreated.

Download the brochure below to learn more.

Download PAD Brochure
Icon of 2 people representing people in their old age of being a risk factor for PAD

Older Age

Icon representing damage to the heart

Heart Disease

Icon representing DNA helix

Family History of Heart Disease, PAD, or Stroke

Icon representing hands taking an A1C test for blood sugar levels


Icon representing close up of arteries lined with cholesterol

High Cholesterol

Icon representing a body-weight scale


Icon representing a blood pressure sleeve on an arm

High Blood Pressure

Icon representing a hand carrying a cigarette

History of Smoking

Icon representing a kidney in the body

Poor Kidney Function

If you're experiencing any of these factors, you may be at risk for PAD.
Download our Risk Assessment Form to learn more.

Download Risk Assessment Form
Icon representing hand holding a cigarette covered by a bold and red circle with line through the middle to indicate STOP

Quit Smoking

Icon representing fruits and juice

Eat a "Heart-Healthy" Diet

Ask Your Doctor...

Icon representing sneakers

...About Exercise

Icon representing blood pressure sleeve on ankles

...To Check the Pulses in Your Feet

Icon representing doctor in a lab coat

...If You Are at Risk for PAD

Icon representing hand about to rub cream on foot

...About Foot Care

For more ways to reduce your risk, download our Healthcare Provider Conversation Guide and talk to your doctor.

Download Discussion Guide
Image of older woman and younger woman embracing

You're not alone in the fight against PAD.

Patient Resources